Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why I Became A Vegan

It's been almost six month since I changed my lifestyle and became a vegan

I wish I had done this years ago.
I remember when I was in my 20 I read a book by Upton Sinclair "The Jungle" after that I did not eat meat for about a year but eventually fell back in to the habit.

I grew up with meat on the table, and I have to say a nice pork roast, pork chops , fillet Mignon, cordon blue are all still making my mouth water a bit.

But when I think of how meat is processed and how the animals are treated while they are alive, I can't stomach looking at a piece of meat and eat it.

The two factors that returned me away for good are:

A: Contamination of the meat
B: The inhuman treatment of the animals

Those two factors together make if impossible for me to ever partake in the consumption of meat and meat products.

I think the mass production of meat and meat products and the industrializing has lead to a society that rarely thinks of all that goes in to this type of product and business.

Some of the people working in the meat industry are abusers that found a place where they can get away with behavior that would normally be criminal.

Somehow it's OK to poke the eyes of a pig with a sharp object. Somehow it's OK to pick up a chicken or turkey and throw it against the wall, or break it's wings.

Thew list of torture and abuse perpetrated against living beings for food is endless.

Actually form a nutritional stand point we do not need meat. I found myself eating lots of vegetables, starchy vegetables like corn, greens and beans rice and soy products. Lentils are a great source of protein and Quinoa is a total protein whit all the amino acids just as meat has.

I shall make a list of some of the meat substitutes in another post.

I would love to her from you and why you became a vegetarian or vegan.

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